
About Me

I am a UX Designer, artist, and baker with over 10 years of management and operations experience. My career has centered around retail, ecommerce, product management and design, but also includes frontend development, and motion graphics editing. In my last role, I honed in my skills as a business manager as well as my product management skills. A large and the best part of my past roles was creating and seeing products through to fruition. This was where I was really able to see how much I enjoyed creating things for other people. From here I realized that is something that I bring into all aspects of my life, my art and my baking.

As an artist I was able to understand that I love taking small details and making a stronger, larger picture. Knowing this, I realized UX design was the right path for me.

I attribute my success to my keen attention to detail, ability to collaborate with a multitude of stakeholders, and understanding the needs of my clients. The most valuable aspect and motivation of my work is the process of pulling little things together to form a bigger, beautiful picture, that serves the user.

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